+251 2212-49-61, +251 22212-59-49 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia

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A MoU has been signed between Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) and Chongqing Kunhuang Industrial Development Group.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today, June 26, 2024, between GSEZDC and Chongqing Kunhuang Industrial Development Group at the GSEZDC Headquarters in Adama. This agreement enables the group to develop an industrial park for ceramic products and construction materials aimed at both domestic and international markets. The two parties held a productive discussion and […]

Komishiniin Investimentii Itiyoophiyaa (EIC) Zoonii Diingdee Addaa Gadaa daawwate.

Komishinii Investimentii Itiyoophiyaa waliin gaafa guyyaa 11/10/2016 hojii misoomaa Koorporeeshiniin Misooma Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa gaggeessaa jiruu pirojektoota garaa garaa kanneen akka: pirojektii bishaanii, bakka kuusaa bishaanii/ reservoir, karaa asfaaltii fi sabsiteeshinii zoonichi hojjechiisaa jiru dawwateera.Daawwannaa kana irrattis Hoogganaa I/Aanaa KMZDAG kan ta’an Eng. Dammalaash Muluu haala qabatamaa pirojektootni irra jiran irratti ibsa gaggabaabaa kennaniiru. […]

Ethiopian Investment Commission and Gada Economic Zone Enter a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) and Gada Special Economic Zone (SEZ) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, facilitating the project’s official launch. Inaugurated last month with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s participation, the Gada SEZ is envisioned as a multi-purpose economic hub designed to attract domestic and foreign investment across logistics, manufacturing, agro-processing, and real […]

Gada Special Economic Zone has officially launched Lume Free Trade Zone

May 10-2024- Gada Special Economic Zone has officially launched Lume Free Trade Zone. Gada Special Economic Zone has officially launched Lume Free Trade Zone in the presence of H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed, H.E Mr. Shimelis Abdisa, President of the Oromia National Regional State and ministers, cabinet of the Oromia Regional State, Oromo Elders and Hadha […]

HoPR Approves Special Economic Zones Proclamation

Apr 18, 2024. During its 21st regular session of the third year of tenure today, the House of Peoples’ Representatives of Ethiopia (HoPR) sanctioned bills pertaining to Special Economic Zones proclamation and the amendment of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) establishment agreement. The Special Economic Zones proclamation bill was referred to the parliament by […]

Ethiopia moves towards economic openness, intends to permit foreign ownership of real estate

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has unveiled plans to introduce legislation aimed at permitting foreigners to own real estate within the country, marking a significant step towards economic openness and the attraction of foreign investment. Currently, regulations prohibit foreigners from owning both residential and commercial properties in Ethiopia, posing a barrier to efforts aimed at […]

Dubartootni Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa(GSEZ) Guyyaa Dubartootaa (March 8) Kabajan

Dubartootni Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa Guyyaa Dubartootaa (March 8) marii paanaalitiin kabajanii jiru. Hojjattootni dubartootaa Zoonii Diinagdee Addaa Gadaa guyyaa dubartootaa (March 8) mata duree “Dubartoota irratti Invest gochuun guddina Saffisisa” jedhuun marii paanaalitiin kabajaniiru.Bakka bu’aan Daarektaraa Ol’anaa Zoonicha Obbo Kabbadaa Baayisaa haasawa taasisaniin baay’ina ummataa keessaa harka walakkaa ol kan ta’an Dubartoota irratti Investii […]