+251 2212-49-61, +251 22212-59-49 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here below these lines, the list of frequently asked questions by our customers presented. top five frequently asked questions have been selected and given an expert explanation. In case you have a different kind of question or have an interest in getting in touch with us, you can contact us here.

What is OSS?

one-stop service is providing or offering a comprehensive range of goods or services at one location. Gada Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) aims to create an advance flexible environment for its customers/investors. the one-stop service will grant them easy investment-related services.

Where Does GSEZ Located?

The GSEZ project is located in the Second higher node area in the hinterland next to Finfinne with its best connectivity to major urban centers such as Adama, Modjo, Finfinne, Bishoftu and Shashemane.
Astronomically, the proposed development project extends from 8° 27′ 00″ to 8° 37′ 00″ N Latitude to 39° 01′ 00″ to 39° 15′ 30″ E Longitude.

GSEZ Vision?

To be the pioneer zone of reform and innovation and center of the economic development of Ethiopia as well as to be the model of economic hub of Africa by developing cost-effective integrated infrastructure and creating an attractive investment environment by 2050.

GSEZ Mission?

Achieve industry-led economic and social transformation through attracting investment for industry and commercial hub, generate jobs, and boosting foreign exchange earnings.

GSEZ Value?

GSEZ‘s core values are Excellence; Respect, Efficiency, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Professionalism, Sustainability, Safety, and Innovation.

GSEZ Stands For ?

Geda Special Economic Zone

Use Twitter ?

Twitter’s FAQ made the list as it includes some nice personalization, easy to use search functionality, and it looks nice (something that few FAQ pages ever achieve).

Gada ICT

GSEZ first


One Stop Service


How to involve GSEZ Investment area