+251 2212-49-61, +251 22212-59-49 Adama City, Melka Adama Sub-City, Abba Gada Oromia, Ethiopia
The First
Economic Zone in Ethiopia

Opportunities in GSEZ

The site, is accessible to high Physical infrastructure

  • Addis – Adama and Mojo – Hawasa Expressway
  • Sebeta – Djibuti Railway
  • Addis – Djibouti and Addis – Moyale highway

Location advantage on the main trade root of the country

Existence of high productive age group in the project area

Site proximity, to the national & the international market center (Finfinne)

Existence of Koka Lake at part of the project site to be used as recreation facility for future utilization

The location of the site is in between two big urban centers of the region (Adama and Modjo)

Existence of construction material potential in and near by the project site e, g. Masonry, Stone, Concrete Sand, pumice

Possibility of extraction of renewable energy source in and near by the project site, such as Geothermal, solar and Wind farm

The location of the site is in between two big urban centers of the region (Adama and Modjo)